2 mins read

Thinking of Me beyond my Titles

Life sometimes feels like you are in free fall.  

A million questions in your head about everything. Why am I here? What am I doing? Why am I doing it? Who am I?

Who are you?

As simple as it sounds, it’s a question that when many of us are asked start with “ummm…” followed by your job title, degree, marital status, religious affiliations etcetera. 

None of these are bad things but I would hate to describe myself without the use of adjectives,ha!

Who am I?

I once thought about this from this angle, if I was taken out of my body and whatever made me, me was put in a pile amongst other people’s “pile”, would I pick myself out from the rest. Would I identify myself when unpackaged from my body? It is easy to look in a mirror and know that’s me by identifying physical features. When it comes down to the intangible things, who are you?

We wear different hats in life. We are sisters, friends, colleagues, girlfriends, wives, mothers and whatever else, but that does not change who you are or start to define the half of you in your entirety. We function in these roles, act (and react) in them based on characteristics that are already there.

Every trait in us is not without reason. Our good, bad and ugly are tied to past experience and it is important to seek understanding of ourselves at the most basic level. We more easily list the happy, positive things about ourselves, ignoring weaker unflattering ones. Improvements can only be made where we are honest enough to acknowledge more can be done. To do so, we must be open and bold to address the things we chose to ignore but affect us daily but not forget to celebrate and be aware of the good in each of us.

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